Privacy Policy

Ethan’s Sprinkler Repair DBA Clean Scape Utah

Ethan D Morris

We collect phone number, addresses, emails, credit card information, names, past job information, property and job details when Onsight through pictures, recordings and text.

  • We collect data verbally and through our third party providers such as google(google ads, and google sheets), Housecall Pro(CRM), Yelp(advertising), BNI(referral program).

  • One can opt out of information collection by not providing the information or requesting your information to be taken out of our CRM (Housecall Pro) at anytime. We do not keep physical records of customer information

  • We do not share you’re information with any other companies without explicit digital or verbal consent. Our third party providers are listed above so please check there privacy policies to see the way they collect data.

  • We will retain the data we collect as long as we are in business or until you decide to have it erased

  • We trust our CRM with protecting and retaining your data. We do our part by using a high security password or biometric verification to protect our account from hackers.

  • If you have a dispute with us please refer to our terms and conditions. For disputes related to information collection please reach out to 385-349-0070